July 2024

Great news: our website is now available in English! We hope this will help us stay connected with international enthusiasts of Château de Musset and Château Chêne-Vieux.

For those who have already had the opportunity to taste our wines through local importers, we can now share our passion for viticulture and its challenges, our family history, and our production methods respectful of both Bordeaux traditions and the environment. You will also be able to learn more about the appellations from which they originate, follow the tasting notes of our various vintages, and get our advice on enjoying them at their peak.

In the meantime, we need your help to to continue spreading the word about our wines throughout France and around the world! If you have enjoyed our products and would like to find them at your usual retailers, please suggest that they contact us. You can also send us the contact details of potential importers or distributors. Every recommendation is valuable and helps us to continue sharing the fruits of our labor…

We warmly thank you for your support and loyalty and wish you a joyful discovery!

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