May 2019

During the active growing season, work in the vineyard is in full swing!

Soil maintenance, in particular, ensures optimal hydration and nutrition for the vine. Among the maintenance tasks, vine weeding has several objectives: it limits competition between weeds and the vine for resources and protects the vine from diseases transmitted by insects by preventing the weeds from growing.

We have been using mechanical tools to weed between the vine rows for a long time, and for a few years, we have also been doing so under the rows. Therefore, we intentionally no longer use glyphosate or any other chemical herbicide. However, we leave one row out of every two covered in grass, as grass cover facilitates tractor passage and improves soil structure.

Regarding the weather and the risk of frost mentioned in the previous post, our fears have been confirmed. In early May, some of our vineyard parcels were indeed affected by late frosts, but the damage that could impact the future 2019 harvest is limited, and we still hope for some regrowth…

The aperitif season has started, so don’t forget, it’s not just rosé!

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